Wir sind Juden aus Breslau | documentary | 107min | ger/pol/usa/isr 2016
Solteros | feature film | 94min | morocco/spain 2014
Plötzlich war da Schnee | documentary | 74min | germany 2013
Warum Mädchen Rosa tragen | documentary | 30min | germany 2009
Es geht nicht nur um unsere Haut | documentary | 81min| germany 2007
Liebe mich! | feature film | 80min | germany 2014
Reuber | feature film | 70min | germany 2013
Papa Gold | feature film | 77min | germany 2011
Tour de Dream | Producer, Director, Camera, Editing | romania 2010
Nale | Director, Camera | greece 2008
Wooden Waltz | Producer, Director, Camera, Editing | hungary 2006
Tomorrow | Director, Camera | slovenia 2005
...is a young film collective founded by Tobias Rahm and meeting once a week in Berlin Schöneberg since 2006. We're educating ourself in film history, film theory and practice sreenwriting, shooting, editing and organizing media projects. Click here for more information
The "REC Filmfestival" is a film festival for films made by youngsters and students up to 27yrs taking place every year in Berlin. 4 days of film program, competitions and workshops at the historical cinema of the UFA Fabrik. Tobias Rahm is the technical director and organizer of this festival. Visit the festival homepage for further information
Since 2011 Tobias Rahm is the cameraman and editor for dozens of videos for the "Museen Tempelhof-Schöneberg". From audiovisual media content integrated in various exhibitions over PR videos to project related documentary films...
Villa Global - the next generation | Trailer for an exhibition
Schwerbelastungskörper vol. 2 - 13 Künstler | documentary